Crowd-Sourcing your tech


Many of us in crew positions on the event circuit have several companies we will work with throughout the year. Each company has its own favorite set of technicians, producers, carpenters. A very cool part of working with many different teams is that the ideas, the best practices, the new ways of working disseminate pretty quickly throughout the industry. Once someone uses a new tool or a new method, if it’s a good one and it fits the situation well, then others will notice and will talk about it.

Some new ideas may be small, like using a simple network to share files across all graphics computers simultaneously. Some ideas may be revolutionary, like using Octopus in ways that the writers may not have envisioned, but still makes your show better. These ideas cover everything from new gadgets to new software to new ways to travel easily.

Anyone that wants to chime in with their new ideas for onsite practices let me know in the comments!

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